Retrospective: Paris - After the mess was over

5.4 Tristan Leroux – New year, new town, old sorrows
Spring 1994, Nantes Police station 

Tristan closed the folder and checked his watch. It was almost midnight. He had been so deeply absorbed in his work, he hadn't noticed how the time passed.
But not only the time of day ran quickly. The calendar on the wall reminded him that it was already March.
"Merde", it slipped out.

His eyes fell on a certain box between all the other file boxes. It had stayed closed for quite a while now.
Tristan had been so absorbed in his work, he hadn't found time to look at its contents in quite a while. Nantes, being a harbor town, was paradise for all sorts of trafficking. Weapons, drugs, people.
He had his hands full to at least keep the crime rate from rising, lowering it seemed impossible.
Maybe instead of going home, he should take the box out again or he would never make any progress.

Never had a case caught his attention more than the last one he had worked on in Paris. He had been s so close to uncover something so scandalous, a big conspiracy that reached deeply into Paris' financial aristocracy.
And he could never forget the drama that had happened on his last day.

His friend, private inspector Girodet, had helped him solve a murder that had given him a lot of head aches. Not to his satisfaction, though, because once again, his suspect had slipped out of his reach.
He was more than enraged about it, but at least the evidence Girodet had provided was sufficient to put enough pressure on quite a few other lower criminals of the street. He had enough hope that to save themselves, they might incriminate the more important target: Monsieur De la Cruz.
It was proven now that he hadn't shoot his... lover – the mere thought of this perversity nauseated Tristan – but it was out of question that that man wasn't involved in Monsieur Diego Santiago's criminal activities.
Living together for five years, and the suspect claimed he had never noticed anything fishy? That enculΓ© had to try harder if he wanted to sell such a story to an experienced inspecteur like him.

But the police officiers hadn't returned from the gang's hideout with the expected suspects and evidence.
This was just the beginning.

The man who had blackmailed Monsieur De la Cruz, and about thirty other men were brutally killed in their hideout while Monsieur De la Cruz was personally "confessing" to Tristan.
Some of them were policemen – Tristan was appalled of their depravity.
Nevertheless, it was a blood bath.

Tristan barely had time to digest the news, when his superior called to inform him that he was being transferred with immediate effect.

"There is no one more experienced with organized crime than you, inspecteur Leroux", he had said, "and our colleagues in Nantes and Interpol are in desperate need of support. The trafficking there gets worse every day. Please clean your desk, and move there by tomorrow. The police force in Nantes has already taken care of your accommodation."

While Tristan certainly was excited about the prospect of working together with Interpol, he couldn't be unhappier about the timing. But he had no choice than to follow the order immediately.
He didn't expect that his day could become any worse, but when he returned to his office, the evidence he had collected on the Santiago case had disappeared. The notebook with the names and the keys to the locker, even Tristan's personal folders!
The only evidence that was left, was Girodet's record of the blackmailing and his commentary on the investigation, and that only because Tristan had had it in his pants' pocket.
Not enough, no one was present that knew about it.
Even Arthur had left, and he got the notice that his partner had retired from the police, immediately, to take care of some family business.
Tristan's attempts to contact Girodet were also to no avail.
Everything that proved there was more than just the shooting, had disappeared.
It was so bizarre, Tristan followed his first instinct and decided to not delve deeper into it and risk to lose his last piece of evidence before he had more time to think.

A few days later, he heard that the case was closed as just another gang fight, and Diego Santiago declared an innocent victim that accidentally got caught in the crossfire.

Tristan knew this sabotage of police work must have been done by someone that had a lot of power and influence.
He was very hesitant to believe Monsieur De la Cruz had it, even though everything worked out in his favor.
No, but some of the people mentioned in Monsieur Santiago's notebook certainly had it.
Marchant, Roux, Vanlemmen, and some more, they were the top of the top of Paris' one percent.
Their power could be intimidating.
Very likely they were also intimidating enough to keep Monsieur De la Cruz from talking.
Because that he could talk a lot if he just wanted, Tristan didn't doubt for a second.
It only meant he needed to find a way to be more intimidating than those men. He had to bring down this conspiracy, and those criminals behind bars.

He sat back, lit another cigarette and skimmed over his notes once more.


  1. Poor Tristan. He may not have been demoted, but it sure must feel like demotion to him. His crusade was dispersed. I bet the Paris underground rejoiced when they heard. XD
    We will miss you, you passionate investigator with denied Franny crush.

    1. He is torn - on one hand working with Interpol is fulfilling a dream he may never dared to have, but then he has to let go of maybe the biggest case he ever had - poor guy v.v

      I can promise you that it's not the last time we have seen him, though!

  2. I was going to ask if we might see inspecteur Leroux again and you confirmed it before I could ask.... Hmmm. I wonder if it will be in the present when he catches up with Franny at the same time he and Mae reunite.... NOOOOO!

    1. omg are you reading my mind? πŸ™ˆ
      ofc he will come to San My hehe

  3. I really thought Teistan got demoted. Isually when something bad happens, they need someone to point fingers at right? But it was a just a transfer.😯 I'm not sure how Tristan can be more intimidating than the 1% power of Paris. But if he does go on that journey I'm so excited to see it! You go Tristan! I hope he gets featured more! Ask to be transferred to San Myshuno haha!

    1. yes yes, he got away smoothly, even with the promising prospect of doing more prestigious work!
      At this time he doesn't know how he could be, but he'll try his best!
      And he'll be back 😏😏

  4. Ahh, so L'inspecteur is being hustled out of the way, and the who thing swept under the rug!
    Poor Tristan. Lured away by the honey of his dream job. Of course he sort of knows that this is the case, it feels like he isn't questioning too deeply, and I don't blame him!
    So eager to see what he gets up to in the future 😈

    1. yeah he's a valuable police detective, after all, and the chief believes the new position will keep him busy enough to forget what he has seen in Paris!
      Tristan knows now without evidence it is dangerous to sniff around too obviously, so he stays low, but he'll def not forget some fiery amber eyes too soon πŸ˜πŸ˜‚

  5. He's like a dog with a bone, or maybe a cow constantly munching on its cud. But that's a bit grosser than the dog image. I wonder if he'll ever let it go.

    1. that's quite a fitting comparison ! πŸ˜†
      And ofc he'll never let go, until he got what he wanted.

  6. Yes, yes, get over it, Tristan. You win some, you lose some. I'm sure you can find a hunky criminal to gawk over wherever you are now πŸ˜†

    1. Ahahaha, omg! Who knows, maybe he will😁

  7. Um, Tristan, ya know... You do have to be VERY intimidating to surpass the forces currently working against you. Like, I'm not even sure Franny would like to talk about what happened even if nobody was threatening him. He'd probably rather forget and go back to normal although as we know, this is but wishful thinking.
    Interpol, however, does seem to fit Tristan. Not quite fit to finish this particular case but imagine all the power he's got now hehe

  8. Tristan needs some time alone to...uh...if I gotta reference myself: unleash his inner Axel. ;) In some way I feel for him. Not the best time in history to have weird unrequited crushes on Franny and mixed feelings about his piece-of-shit ex boyfriend.

    1. Absolutely! Tristan go and explore stuff (men)!!
      Instead he's worrying too much about his work. Could end up dead if he's not careful 😬 I suppose that comes with the profession tho
