Marriage is bliss

16.6 Brian Atkins
Summer 1997, train to Granite Falls

They decided to take the train to their vacation. Like that they avoided the traffic jams that appeared all over at the beginning of the holiday season.
The girl, Mariella chatted excitedly with her parents about the nature they passed.
Had she never been out of Oasis Springs?
"It's your first time here?", Brian asked her.
She nodded towards him, then kept ravishing to her new mother about the size of trees.

"How excited she is! Thank you again for inviting us, uhm - Brian", Herbert said.
"No big deal! The more come, the merrier it is!", Brian replied.
It would be nice to spend some time with his girlfriend's family.
And they were different than the people he usually spent time with.

Linda had looked out the window almost the whole train ride, and stayed mostly quiet. She looked like she was not even here.
"What are you thinking, darling?", he asked her.

"Huh?", she said, then turned towards him.
Brian could see that he had pulled her out of some other place she was visiting in her mind.
"Oh, I was just enjoying the nature", she said.
Sometimes he just didn't understand her.


  1. Did you do the train? It is amazing. And I wonder what Linda’s problem really is. Maybe she wanted alone time with Brian....

    1. thanks! no, the train is modified from the gallery :D

      Linda just likes to dream away. It happens sometimes xD

  2. Linda is a dreamy one, isn't she? The train set is gorgeous.

  3. I love the background! And Linda lol. I'm starting to pity Brian.

    1. Thanks! when I found the train lot on the gallery, I absolutely had to use it!
      Linda is more in her own head than out of it ! 😂

  4. Love the train set.

    Still not convinced about Brian. There must be something he's hiding, lol.

    Linda is probably thonking about plants. Or with any luck, about Frank 😄 But it's probably the plants...

    1. I wrote this chapter only because I found the train lot :D it's so pretty.

      There's a lot going on in Linda's head, and yes, it's more likely plants than her boyfriend, or even Frank 😂
