Retrospective: Paris - After the mess was over

5.7 Francesco De la Cruz – Chance 
Spring 1994, a garage somewhere in Paris

It was love at first sight for Francesco. This guitar sat perfectly in his hands. And she made a notably beautiful sound.
"You play her like an acoustic," Alejandro pointed out.
Okay, it had been a while since Francesco had played an electric, but he never thought there was such a big difference anyway.
No one had bothered to teach him how to play guitar, not even the professionals in Suzette's studio.
So when Alejandro showed him some new techniques, Francesco was eager to learn.

When Alejandro had approached Francesco in the MΓ΄le and asked him to join his band on their tour, Francesco thought it was a dumb joke. That guy was clearly not very sober. But the man insisted, he seemed to be serious.
Then Francesco was unsure what to say. He was pretty sure it wasn't a trap again, these guys were too American. And he actually had seen their band name on the festival posters.
Deep Rift.
Didn't even sound too terrible.

Francesco was torn.
He didn't want to leave Mae.
But also, this could be that one big chance he'd never get again.
Actually, there wasn't much he should be torn about. At least he could go and give it a try, see how it was to make music with them.
In worst case, it would just be a waste of time and he would continue his life here with Mae, and pursue a music career later.
But in the best case, he might end up exactly where he always wanted – on the biggest stages of the world. Even if it wouldn't work out with this particular band in the long term, he had a better chance to make new connections than on his own.
And so Francesco agreed.

Of course Monsieur Fillipe was more than pissed at Francesco for leaving at the start of his performance. The bar owner hissed something about nurturing a snake on his bosom, but Francesco wouldn't have it. All his boss had done so far was abuse his employees. He paid them only a minimum wage and never the countless overtime hours he forced them to do.
Francesco was tired of arguing on paydays too.
It felt so good to tell that asshole to fuck off, finally, he wondered why he hadn't done it earlier.

So far, Francesco didn't regret it.
For more than an hour he practiced now together with Alejandro, Nico and Raj in a garage that Joanne had organized.
Francesco had never tried to make rock music before, but he liked how his voice sounded against the heavy guitar riffs. The songs were easy to memorize, but nonetheless great, they felt authentic and were full of emotion. He quickly learned how to shout too, seriously it wasn't that hard once you figured out the right technique.
While he learned a lot of new things, the guys still encouraged him to try and find his own style.
"You need to stand by what you're doing," Alejandro said, "or it's never gonna be good. No need to be perfect on first try."
The guitarist was right.
So together Francesco and the band experimented to find something that would work for all of them.
It felt like he could belong here, after all.
All three guys were as passionate about music as he was.

Raj, their drummer, didn't talk very much, but he wasn't half as grumpy as his grim face made you believe.

Nico, who played the keyboard and synthesizer, was the opposite, very friendly.

And Alejandro had something special about him, though Francesco couldn't figure out if it was very charming or very sleazy. Anyway, he had liked the guitarist instantly.
All three men were really good with their instruments, but Alejandro was probably far better than many other professionals that Francesco had met so far. He was exceptionally skilled and Francesco tried to pick up as much as possible from him while he could.

Only Joanne, Deep Rift's agent, had worried Francesco a little when she kept checking him out head to toe.
But to his relief, she seemed more interested in his professional skills and marketing potential than his body. Francesco couldn't do another Suzette agreement anymore.

"Time's up", she said, "We can't risk being too late in Nice."
The guys had been so absorbed in their music, they didn't notice how quickly the time passed. "Francesco," she turned to him, "we'll drop you off at home so you can pack, but hurry. The details of the contract we can discuss on the road."

He made it.

Half an hour later, Francesco was back at the apartment.
It was dark. Mae was not home yet.
She went to a friend after school to learn for their next exam and according to the clock, probably wouldn't be back in the next hour or two.
Now he regretted that he hadn't paid attention when Mae said to who she went this time. He could have called.

He ignored Joanne's request to hurry. Five more minutes he could wait.
Maybe she'd come home earlier than expected.
Not only because he really wanted to see her before he left and tell her in person about his big opportunity, share his excitement.
But he also desperately needed to finish the conversation he had started this morning.
He would leave, much earlier than he wanted, but seriously, he had to take this chance.
However, he didn't want to give up on Mae.
If it went well with the band – and he was sure it would, he would be more away than home for the next foreseeable time, but hell, that was no reason to end what they had.
They could do it despite the distance.
Have a real relationship, stop fooling around and be honest for once.
He wanted to believe it more than ever.
No – he knew they could.
One and a half years, that wasn't so long. And when she was done with school, she could come with him, travel, like she wanted.
If he was lucky enough, she wouldn't even have to do shitty part-time jobs.
He'd take care of her then.

The band van's honk pulled him out of his thoughts.
He would have to call Mae from the next road stop.

He took his bag, switched off the light and left.


  1. Frannyyyyy! Why didn't you leave a note? You are going to send her at least a text on the way, are you? ARE YOU? I guess not. The girl's gonna be heart-broken when she comes home to all your stuff packed and gone. I bet he's going to get swept up in the whirlwind of happenings with the band that he won't have time to make the call. I can see it clearly. He's exhausted, then it's too late and Mae is probably asleep and he doesn't want to wake her, and suddenly it's too late to make the call and it would be awkward so he doesn't make it... Or maybe he will but it's going to be late anyway.

    1. No note, because he wanted to call anyway, these things must be discussed at least on the phone, since he didn't get a chance to see her in person! He may also be a bit worried that a note may make her angry and ignore the phone call.

  2. Oh wait. They didn't have cellphones, did they?

    1. It's 1994 :D Cell phones were bricks and couldn't text xD
      Srsly, this story would def have taken a very different direction with all the technology we have now 😏😏

  3. This is it, isn't it? The beginning of the end for Franny and Mae 😒
    Not even a note, bb doll? I'm he's excited, but yeah, I can see how this fell apart. First it's just a year, just a this and just a that, and he starts getting popular and it all just snowballs from there. I am happy for him tho, it's nice to see him excited about something, passionate after all the grieving.

  4. Oh Franny! 😭😭😭😭. He wanted to tell her in person that this wasn’t necessarily the end. But it is.....because he couldn’t. He’s going to break her heart into a million tiny pieces. They went through so much together for him to leave. She’ll feel unimportant but as we know will carry a torch. He chose music over her. But isn’t that how most artists are. Until they finally get to a good place with it. I almost dread reading the next chapter which will be just that. Mae breaking apart. πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”. I get why he had to leave like he did ... but still.

    1. He had zero intention to end it, on the contrary v.v but he didn't had the time to talk to her.... he didn't chose music, he chose both - but the question is if Mae's gonna agree, or, if it works as he wanted!

  5. Whoa. Not even a "dear John" letter? That would've at least been something. Just something to let her know he wasn't lying dead in a ditch somewhere. And why do I get the feeling he'll forget to call? Grrrrrrr.

    For his sake, though, I'm glad he's starting a successful career (which we knew would happen but still). Fun to see all the guys again.

    1. well yeah, they do have phones, (not cell phones, tho) so he didn't think it was necessary to write a note that may be misunderstood...
      he has all the good intentions, but you'll see how much he'll keep of them 😏

      yeah he was incredibly lucky, but also he deserved it! <3

  6. I hate everything about this chapter.
    I hate that Nico looks so hands-down-heart-taken gorgeous in this striped shirt (one of Jana's?). That should be forbidden. Like, it suits him so well he looks better than Franny, even. Sorry, boy.
    Then, I hate that Alejandro is right. "No need to be perfect on first try." How dare he be right on anything, especially something so important. How dare he make us hate him less.
    And ofc, I hate that Franny still has to think of Suzette when being eyed by a woman. Of course he does. It's not like that would go away so fast or even at all. But he - and everyone else who has had to endure such a thing - shouldn't have to. It's not fair.
    Last but not least, I hate how Franny had to go without being able to speak to Mae. Hate how Mae's going to feel when she gets his call, how he's going to feel. And that even if they had been able to talk, even if he had stayed with her, none of them would have become happy. I HATE THAT THAT IS THE ONLY WAY OKAY. Franny can lie to himself claiming that is an opportunity to give Mae what she deserves, so that she mustn't work so much. In truth, he's running away, only subconsciously realizing that himself. But they need time to heal, both, and they can only do that when being apart and surrounded by people who didn't have to live through the same trauma.
    I hate how good and sad this chapter is *cries*

    1. aww coons 😭😭😭 first of all, you literally made me shed a tear- thank you for this comment - I'm sorry you had to hate it (not) v.v

      Yes, Nico's shirt is my birthday shirt from Jana! πŸ₯°πŸ’– I kinda agree - he's got some nice daddy charm there 😏😏

      Lol sorry (not) about Al! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ don't worry, there will still be a few moments where you can hate him from the bottom of his heart 😊🀭

      Franny has a few deep scars that won't just disappear. And Joanne is very similar - dominant and successful, and in a power position. But, the more successful he'll be, he'll gain back a good portion of confidence, and it will help (enough? we'll see!)

      A phone call is def not the same as a person to person conversation - and he hates it, but he has no other choice, except to stay and let the opportunity slide away.
      And you're so right - he CAN'T do that! He has nothing, and zero chance to achieve something better, even if he'd give up on music.
      If he'd stay, it would only get worse. Mae would finish her education, maybe have a career, has the support of a small but loving family, while he'd stagnate.
      He'd hate himself.

    2. That's a loooot of hate from the lovely Coons. But it doesn't matter at all because she said likes Nico too...

  7. You know, I don't think things would have gone down particularly well if he did catch her at the appartment anyway - what would he really say, "oh, I've gotta run in 5 minutes, but I'm leaving you and I'm very excited for this, buh-bye now!" πŸ˜†

    If anything it's probably for the better they didn't talk, at least once she learns where he went, she can pretend he was a bit more torn about the decision than he really was to ease the blow...

    Because the last chapter didn't feel like he was particulalry torn, and now, seeing his mental process, he doesn't seem particularly torn either. I mean... "In worst case, it would just be a waste of time and he would continue his life here with Mae, and pursue a music career later." - says it all, doesn't it? Who would want to be someone's worst case scenario?

    Now for the positives - the band members are rather cute. I look forward to learning more about them when I read the first story :)

    1. Oh I'm sorry if it wasn't clear. He wanted to talk to her in person bc he wanted to convince her that they shouldn't break all contact bc he leaves to go on tour. On the contrary, he wants to have a real relationship instead, even if it's long-distance.
      He hates to be separated from her, that's literally his only concern about leaving.

      yeah well, the worst case is rather that it would be another hope for making it in music destroyed, not living with her xD and tbh, he doesn't really have anything else than Mae atm, so it's true, it's far from ideal.

      Ehehehee. I'm really looking forward what you're gonna say about the band members ;)

  8. Ugh.. this chapter is so gut-wrenching.

    I'm with Maladi the first thing I thought of was him writing a note to her. It's better than her thinking she ghosted him. I hope it doesn't turn out that way.

    I really like how distinct the guys look from one another. Alejandro's expression is so sleazy though lol! And Joanne straight up looks like she's going to eat Franny alive. Weeew.

    I'm so heartbroken for what's going to come next. I don't know what it is but my feelings are going to be justified I'm sure. I want S3 to start already! 😭

    1. Well yeah. It would have been safer to write a note! But he didn't think he had to.

      lol at least you did make up your mind that he's sleazy! πŸ˜‚ Joanne's probably gonna eat anyone that would dare stand in her way ahaha

      awww don't worry! Paris heartbreaking is almost over, then S2 heartbreaking will start 😬
