Retrospective: Paris - How things happened

3.9. Mae West - Screw that
Fall 1993, Mae's apartment

Mae was right that her unintended confession had changed their friendship forever. When Francesco had turned to her again, with that "But-I-can't" face, she had mentally prepared for a polite rejection. Not that it would have changed anything about her own feelings. She cared for him, she wanted him to be happy, and if she couldn't be his girlfriend, she would be content enough to be just his friend.
Not happy, but content enough.
"Mae, this is - "
But his expression had changed when their eyes met.
"...not a..."
He didn't finish.
And a few quiet seconds passed, and just when she thought she should explain that nothing had to change, and he could stay here without worrying that she would peek behind the shower curtain - most certainly not - but if he did worry, she would try and help him find another place - he just had shrugged his shoulders.

"Screw that", he had said, more to himself than her, and then, right to her face, "I love you too, Mae."
"Uh?", she had replied, very witty.

Turned out "screw that" was directed towards his worries, that incidents like the murder and the police investigation would rather make it a bad idea for them to be more than just friends.
He couldn't give any specific reasons, it was more an uncertain premonition that something had to backfire on him - and inevitably on her if she got deeper involved with him than she already was.
But there were no facts.
And apparently being able to kiss her again was tempting enough to discard his hazy worries.

Not that he said that literally.
And they didn't really had to tell anyone.

Also, it turned out there was something like bisexual - Mae hadn't known!
If she had had only the slightest idea, of course she wouldn't have run around in her underwear in front of him. Well - maybe she would have, but certainly, she'd put on something more raunchy instead of her comfy strawberry skivvies.
Not that she said that literally.
Francesco never had bothered to tell her, because he never thought it could matter anyway.
Well, now it did.

Since The Most Awkward Confession Ever, two weeks had passed. Francesco had officially registered at her place, and after a short discussion, Mae had agreed to let him pay half of the rent and food money. Not because she needed it, but she felt he did, to keep his self-respect. She rewarded him with more expensive food and herself with more cheap wine instead.

"If you're not going, you'll never know", she said, after thinking for a few seconds.
Francesco just had told her about his fall out with sneaky Suzette and his hopes to have more success with a music career back in the states.
Suddenly his dislike for her being on top and his inexplicable aversion towards boy bands made sense to her.
What a shame.
At least Francesco could admit some of them were quite hot, though he couldn't stand her singing along to their songs.
Not that it ever had stopped her.

"You're not gonna miss me?", he smirked and kept strumming Dante's guitar. Mae's friend had lent to him after he heard that Francesco had lost his own.
"I'll be fine", she said. "You can write me a letter when you make it."
Francesco gave her again one of his examining looks and she tried her best to hide the sudden sadness that filled her. Of course she would miss him.
"Don't lie", he said.
Dang, she failed again.

"Okay, maaaybe", she admitted, stretching the second word. "But I also want you to be happy."
She knew here he wasn't. Not only that he worked two jobs - he had found another one at a laundry service besides the bar one, to be able to afford more than just the minimum expenses - but also the grumpy inspecteur called him over for questioning almost every day.
Just to wear him down, Mae was sure, since Francesco always came back home with no other results than him being more frustrated than he was already before.
"It's not that I could leave too soon anyway", he said. "We've got time to figure things out."

He was right, Mae thought. She was not so naive to believe that being separated by half the planet for at least a year or longer wouldn't take its toll on their relationship, no matter how many letters were written. Unless they were dirt rich and could afford regular visits, which neither was.
Or married, but for that it was too early to think of yet, besides, they were both still too young for such a serious decision.
Mae wasn't even sure if she ever wanted to get married. And Francesco didn't strike her as a married-with-three-kids-and-a-dog person either.
He wanted to play his music, travel the world and sing on its biggest stages instead.
Mae was sure one day he would, but until then, it was their time.

And Mae was determined to make the best of it.
"I can't play like this", he complained between her kisses, but she could feel him smile.
Just then the hard knock on the door let her jump up and run for her clothes.
Why did someone always have to leave the house entry door open...

The two police officers made her heart almost stop.
"Nous demandons à Monsieur de la Cruz de nous accompagner, s'il vous plaît", one of them said.
So far Francesco had been called to the station by phone, or Arthur had told him he should come over the next day.
This time, something serious happened, Mae knew.
She just hoped there wasn't another witness found.


"Nous demandons à Monsieur de la Cruz de nous accompagner, s'il vous plaît." - We would like Mr. De la Cruz to please come with us.


  1. Aww, this was such a sweet chapter. I loved the beginning especially. Pizza panties win. How could Franny say no to those. Hmm, Kellie should get those too. Do you think there's spaghetti panties too somewhere?
    Amazing screenshots, great chapter. But the cliffhanger? Boo! :)

    1. How could anyone resist pizza panties? I couldn't, for sure :D
      So far I only found pizza, strawberries and cherries tho. No spaghetti :(

  2. Awwww......I want them to be together so bad now.....I am shipping them big time....and the cops at the door can’t be good..... The trouble with having a bi partner would seem that now everyone is your competion. If you are gay or straight, at least you know who you need to be concerned about! Lol....irrelevant. Sorry.

    1. Haha! And now ask again why Franny never told Rosa xD

  3. Strawberry panties can't hold a candle to pizza panties. Looks like Franco agrees though. :O

  4. Oh My Lord that ending cannot be good. I've had a bad feeling this situation was going to blow up in their faces and right now seems like the perfect time for the other shoe to drop.

  5. UH OH :O
    Still... enjoyed seeing them in their underoos!

    1. UH OH for sure!
      but aren't they just darlings? <3

  6. "would like" better translates as demands. Felt that way to me anyway. :/

    1. Sorry, my French is terrible, and my Spanish non-existent :'D

  7. I do think her strawberry undies left a way better impression on Franny than any sexier ones would ever have. They were the truest and most honest ones. And thinking of how Mae's marriage went down in the end, it's probably better they don't consider that xD Although it might not have been that hard with the right one, although Herbert could honestly do few against Mae's hurried decision to leave.
    And yeah, the murder and police investigation probably do make it a bad decision to date. But since when does that hold these two back from doing anything they want *sighs*

    1. LOL I bet he's not gonna forget them ever, same to the pizza ones she's wearing here xD
      Marriage is out of the question for both. Neither is even ready to even commit to a relationship, both are still too insecure because of past experiences, and they try and find excuses like the investigation. But they can't help the attraction to each other and there we are...

  8. YAY I've been proven wrong. Fran let himself be happy. This is supposed to be the best chapter until the officers showed up -.- But I'll take it.

    1. Lol even he must get tired of being angry and sad all the time and in need of some happiness 😁

  9. I'm not surprised she didn't know bisexuals existed. Most people think we're not a thing, or that it's a phase till we "pick a team."

    So I know you might as well basically have a big neon sign above them that says "this will blow up and crash and burn horribly", but I couldn't help but squeal over them in this chapter.

    Ah yes, the police. I'm sure they're just there for a quick chat. Not.

    1. I get that someone may not have known that bis exist, especially when they were so much less represented back then in the early 90s, but to know, and deny the existence is absurd. Tbh I never understood why people have that need to tell others how they have to feel and what they should do with their private parts.
