Retrospective: Paris - How we met

2.1 Francesco De la Cruz - Change of plans
Fall 1993, Le MΓ΄le

The best thing that had happened recently, was the job Francesco got in that pub the barkeeper had sent him, even though the payment was incredibly shitty. It was enough to get around somehow as long as he still stayed with Diego.
But he loved to sing on the stage, and even with rarely any guests paying attention, it made him happy.

When he first noticed that his job made him happier than being back with his boyfriend, Francesco felt guilty again. No matter how much he had missed Diego, he still couldn't get rid of the distrust lingering in the back of his head. And he felt so terribly guilty about it, guiltier than Diego's disappointment could ever make him when they had another disagreement. Of which they seemed to have more and more.
He just couldn't make out why, but somehow Diego seemed to be unhappy with him all the time. Every time they talked, a tension took over him.

So despite feeling guiltier than ever, he tried to end their relationship a few nights ago, this time without just running away. He wanted to go back to the states, as soon as he had enough saved up for a ticket. He didn't need much more, just a few weeks.
He had no illusions, his career here in Europe was over before it started. And the same way he lived here, he could also try and live in L.A., Myshuno, or any of those metropoles which were the home of international music production companies.

As expected, Diego was against it, and this time they had a huge fight. His boyfriend desperately tried to press all the buttons, but when Francesco saw Diego standing in the way of his dream, something snapped. He got so angry, all his guilt and sympathy disappeared. If Diego truly cared about him, he would let him go, he thought, or at least come with him.
So he packed his bag and guitar again this time, and left for work, ignoring Diego's pleas to stay and talk it over again.

He expected to have to sleep on the streets again, but luckily one of the waitresses offered him to stay at her place for a few days. 
And if he would have to leave before getting his ticket, the streets would still be better than staying with Diego. He just had to make it before winter started.

Francesco glimpsed at the back corner of the cramped full bar. The red-haired girl was there again. 
The first time she had been here with a bunch of other people, and they were noisy and having a lot of fun making out with everyone. But recently she came here alone, every night for the past month, and was always writing something. Sometimes she looked at the stage, but it appeared her mind was far away. He was wondering what she wrote. Was it stories? Or did she write even songs, like him? 
Today after he finished, he wanted to ask her.


  1. I have to say I love these parts where Franco is performing the best. He just looks so natural on the stage.
    And again big applause for the setting. I can never stop looking at those pictures. They pull me in. Especially the last one this time. Perfect.

    1. Thank you so much, you're flattering me! :o
      And yes, he really belongs on the stage! :D I love to shoot him like that.

  2. Loved this update :) Franco was able to build enough inner strength from his singing job that he was able to resist Diego's manipulation. Of course Diego showed his true colors but Franco broke it off and I bet he won't looks back.

    Finally Mae is in Franco's orbit and we can find out what happened.

    1. He got to love the high he gets from being on a stage and wants to get more of it c:
      Diego got a little desperate, so he might have lost it. Bad mistake! Now he lost him for good.

  3. I'm so pleased he's out from under Diego's thumb (and out from under Diego's period :D)

    NOW MAE TIME. Or so it would seem.
    Curious to see how this goes down and what they truly we're to each other.

    1. Everyone is! (me included) :D

      Mae's gonna be a little nicer with him c:

  4. Okay...getting closer to Mae time. And thank goodness he is away from Diego again! Yay...

    1. He wouldn't stay there forever! He had a moment of weakness, but once he was back, he got reminded that it wasn't what he needs.

  5. Well, that was very smart for once. Knowing simlit, I would have expected the backfall to last for longer but this was pleasantly short-lived. Congrats, Franco!
    Mae returning every night and always writing something just HAD to get her Franco's interest. He loves his music and singing, so someone who might share that passion would make a great potential friend, especially in his current situation :D

    1. All it took for Franny was to get something else that matters to him and being able to take care of himself alone. He's stubborn and proud, but his confidence is ragged.

  6. I'm so glad Fran dumped Diego. What a great start. Hopefully there's no repercussions from that. Diego likes control. and this is the opposite so I wouldn't be surprised if something happens.

    1. yah, this time he has something more in his life than that dirtbag, even if it's not much!
      And ofc Diego wouldn't leave him alone, but eh, you know by now what happened :D

  7. Good, Francesco is making progress - while he still can't consciously put a finger on what's wrong about his and Diego's relationship, his gut is clearly telling him the right things, which is a step in the right direction. I really like how you're portraying their (awful and abusive) relationship, it feels very realistic. That being said fingers crossed this time Francesco kicked him to the curb for good 🀞

    And yay, even not having read the original story I assumed their paths would meet, so I'm glad you didn't make us wait long for that!

    1. Hehe he does! He probably just needs a better motivation. Let's see if he succeeds to leave again.

      Well yeah. They're literally my main page picture, and also in my Paris banner 😁

    2. Lol you know what I haven't even realied that. I just came here beacause I read some of your comments in Mercuryfoam's thread and I they seemed thoughtful so I figured I wanted to see more of how your mind works πŸ˜†

    3. aww thanks ! I do feel honored & I have to give that compliment back <3
