Retrospective: Paris - How we started

1.5 Francesco De la Cruz - Toy boy
Spring 1993, recording studio

Francesco was happy with the latest recording. They had taken a few tries for the bridge on the latest hit-to-be for one of the label's boy bands.
After all, Suzette had kept her word. She got him the opportunity for support jobs at the studio, but she didn't let him get an actual contract as a pop icon. Not as long as he didn't fully agree to her terms. She was sure he would give in eventually, but Francesco was content with what he had now.
He did a good job playing any instrument that was needed for recording those boyband hits, and occasionally back ground singing. In the last three months he had proven his worth. And he was sure he would keep that job without Suzette, if not even make it bigger. Play in the front row, his own songs with his own meaning.

The mixer consoles in this studio were amazing. They had so many options to change the sound, you could make like a million different songs from the same recording.
And he spent hours in the studio, pestering Jaques and Luc about all the opportunities the technology offered to music, and the two technicians explained patiently everything that was to know about it.
He felt like a baby that discovered for the first time that that strange thing with the colorful bars made different types of noises depending on where you hit it with the stick.

When he wasn't in the studio, Suzette let him stay at her place.
She called him Bonbon, and he called her a disgusting piece of trash. And she loved it. Loved, that he despised her so much, and still let her ride him whenever she felt like it.
The funny thing was, he got so used to it already, he didn't even mind it anymore. Francesco was surprised how much he could adjust.

The voices around the corner caught his attention. He could make out Cherry's, and another one he didn't know.
"...I swear he was flirting with that dude last night!"
"No way! So Suzette's toy boy is gay? Oh my god!"
"Gross, isn't it?!"
They giggled.
"What a shame. He's so hot."
"I wouldn't mind to jump him. If he lets Suzette do it..."
They giggled again.
"You shouldn't mess with her, though!"

Francesco chuckled. Here it was, high school all over again. Except noone had called the lanky boy with the too big nose hot then. Occasionally cute.
He didn't care. It was time for the discussion about the tour where he was supposed to join.


  1. It's incredible how much a person can sometimes take and how much they can adapt. If I didn't know he won't stay with Suzette, I'd be worried.

    1. I find it fascinating too. If you look at all those victims of domestic violence, they have lived lifes in hell. Still they didn't leave, often until it was too late.

  2. That Suzette is totally sick. He calls her a disgusting piece of trash (well truth be told.......) and that excites her. There really are some sickos in the world. Francesco really needs the help right now so what other choice does he really have until he is stable.

    1. He doesn't lie to her ;)
      He's lucky he can enjoy working in the studio so much, or else it would be unbearable.

  3. A step up from your last relationship boo, but I know you can do better!
    Still, enjoying seeing him be excited about his music!

  4. I hope,it’s woth it and he can easily get away when the time comes.

    1. At least he has the chance to gather experience. No matter what, it will be helpful.

  5. Dude needs health and a time in history when bisexual becomes a widely used word.

  6. I'm sure that the not minding Suzette anymore is an adaptive mechanism of his brain. At the moment, he knows there's no way out so instead of letting all the hate come through, it seals it for now. So he won't go mad or become self-destructive. Who knows what will well up later, when the situation is gone.

  7. I really like your studio. He's adapted to the abuse. Sigh. So adapted that gossip doesn't even stir him anymore.

    1. I found it somewhere online! I would never have the patience to actually build something like that! 😂
      Yeah, he has learned to deal, if he'd constantly worry about it he wouldn't be able to focus on what he really wants, and what would be also a ticket out of his terrible situation.

  8. At least the silver lining is he has a job in the industry now... that's about it lol!
