Retrospective: Paris - How things got messy

4.3. Mae West - Waiting
Fall 1993, Mae's appartement

When Mae got a call from Arthur and he told her Francesco wouldn't return for a while, she broke down. She had barely heard anything her friend had explained to her, there was something about illegal weapons and drugs, and Francesco being involved with that, but she knew this wasn't true. Even when he told her about being all alone on the streets, Mae had never caught a clue that he had turned to crimes to at least support himself, even less she believed he'd deal with something that could be deadly to innocent people.

And if Charlotte wouldn't have shown up at her door that same moment Arthur had finished his call, Mae would have run to the insane inspecteur and give him her piece of mind immediately, even if it might not change anything about their situation.
Charlotte didn't know what had happened, of course, Mae and Francesco had kept his involvment in the murder case a secret. But now it didn't matter anymore, Mae thought, it would get out eventually and she needed to get it off her chest.

So she told her best friend everything without hesitation.
"But I know he has nothing to do with it! Not with his ex' crimes, and even less with the murder - I was with him, then!", she finished with a broken voice.
Charlotte eyed her suspiciously for a second.

"Are you sure that's all Artie told you?", she asked. "I'm no legal expert, but how could they lock him up when he has an actual witness in his favour? Usually Leroux and Artie do a better job before they lock someone up! I wonder what's wrong with that old grump."

"He's just a sour old fart that probably didn't get laid in like, forever!", Mae exclaimed.
Charlotte giggled. "Most likely! But don't worry. I'll call a friend, he'll get your boy out in an instant if there's really not more behind it!"
"There isn't!", Mae insisted.
Charlotte nodded, then used the phone for a few minutes and came back with a bright smile.

"Etienne will take care of it", she said. "He said François will most likely be out by tomorrow."
Not soon enough for Mae, but she was still relieved.
The two girls kept chatting for a while longer, and eventually Charlotte stayed over night to keep Mae company and away from too much worrying.

The next morning Mae woke up to a phone call from Etienne. He informed her that he got Francesco out and that he'd come back home shortly.
Mae was thrilled to the bits.
"See? I told you Etienne's gonna solve this", Charlotte beamed all over her face. And now that Mae's mind was back at ease, a suspicion rose.

She sat down next to her friend. "Spill."
Charlotte shot her a playful glare.
"Oh, come onnnnn", Mae insisted, "you can't be still so mad that you would keep it from me?"

Charlotte hadn't been very pleased when she found out about her friends' love affair by coincidence instead of Mae telling her about it.

True, Mae and Francesco had wanted to keep it a secret at first, but it was just too easy to forget there were no walls between the kitchen and the sitting area in Mae's apartment when both were slightly intoxicated by alcohol and the good mood of another home party.

And Mae had to make up all sorts of excuses about family and her reputation and god knows what to comfort her friends and convince them to not tell more people about them.
Luckily Arthur wasn't there that night, and stayed in blissful ignorance. Mae trusted her friends, but not him, that spaz could always accidently spill the news to his collegues and ruin their testimonies without even wanting to harm them.

Charlotte wasn't mad anymore, but obviously had enjoyed teasing her friend. "It's a secret, okay?", she finally said.
Mae nodded eagerly.
"I met him last year in the lawyer firm that works for my parents", Charlotte blushed a little. "He is so hot - and it was obvious that he liked me too, but he tried to hide it. Well... he's much older than me - 32, but I didn't think it would be such a challenge to convince him to give in to his feelings for me! I swear he has a moral stick the size of my grandpa's walking cane up in his cute butt!"

Mae squirmed a little. She had expected Etienne to be a bit older, maybe a law post-graduate, but... thirty-two was almost ancient!
Charlotte laughed. "Don't look like that! I'm telling you, older men are much better than those kids in our college. Etienne is such a gentleman... always considerate, romantic, and he treats me like a princess!"
Mae wasn't fully convinced, but maybe Charlotte had a point. When she thought about her other male friends - Dante, Jean, Joseph, and all those boys she knew from high school only said romantic stuff like in the movies to get the girls to their bedrooms.
And while Francesco could be really nice sometimes, the last thing he was, was romantic.

She was still miffed about last Thursday when they went to the most romantic movie ever and he had only made not-funny-at-all comments all the time.
Yes, she still had had to laugh, ok.

She sighed. It was obvious Charlotte was in love. She literally beamed when talking about Etienne. And if he made her happy... it should be good enough for Mae, even if he was almost a dinosaur.

"Mae... there's more", Charlotte said. She hesitated a second. "I'm having his baby", she almost whispered.
Mae gasped. "Charlie!! Oh my god!"
"I don't know how, I always took my pill, but I guess I must have forgotten one...", Charlotte spoke faster, "anyway, I told him, and he has been nothing but supportive. No matter how I'd decide, he'd stay by my side... he's so kind, and gentle, and he even asked me to marry him. And - not only if I decide to keep the baby." She took a deep breath.
Mae felt that this had weighed heavy on her, without having anyone she could talk to besides her boyfriend. She had felt similar about Francesco being watched by the police, and finally being able to talk about it with Charlotte was a great relief. And she was glad she could give back the support her friend had showed her, even if only emotionally.

"At first I wasn't sure what to do...", Charlotte continued, "I'm still so young. I don't want to be a mother yet, or - be married - Mae that is so serious!"
Mae nodded in agreement.
"But... the more I think about it, the more I can see us together, as a family, and being happy. As soon as I'll see him again, I'll tell him I'll keep the baby, and we'll elope together when we get the chance."

"Elope?", Mae couldn't believe her friend didn't want to celebrate her wedding.
Charlotte face fell. "You don't know my parents... if they find out, they'll do anything to separate us... they will ruin Etienne's career... and, they'll -" she swallowed hard, "they'll make me give up on our baby..."
Mae could hardly believe it. Shouldn't her parents be happy for their daughter?
"They won't." All the warmth was gone from Charlotte's eyes. "They only care about their reputation. On no account will they allow their 18 year old daughter have a baby and marry some unknown small lawyer..."

"Oh Charlie...", Mae hugged her friend tightly. "I'm sure everything will be fine! Just make sure you tell me before you leave, so at least I can tell good bye to you", she tried to smile. She'd miss her friend.
"Of course", Charlotte smiled again.
A knock on the door pulled them apart.
Francesco had a key, and Mae didn't expect any visitors.

It was Dante.
"Oh, hi!", Mae let him in. "You want your guitar back?"
"Nah...", he shook his head. "I met François on the street. He asked me to bring you down." He seemed to avoid her eyes.

Mae went on high alert. "What happened? Why didn't he come up himself?"
He shrugged his shoulders. "Dunno. Oh, hi Charlie."
"Wait, I'll come too", Charlotte said, looking for her boots.
"NO!", Dante cried out. When both girls stared at him in surprise, he added, quieter, "No, uh... he said Mae should come alone... no explanation given." He shrugged his shoulders again.

Mae and Charlotte exchanged quick glances.
"I'll wait here then", Charlotte said.
Something was off, but Mae couldn't risk to not run to Francesco's help if he might need it.

She picked her jacket and followed Dante down the stairs, while Charlotte stayed in her apartment.


  1. LOL, a 32 year old DINOSAUR!
    Oh gawwwd! Charlotte! I feel so bad for her and her baby; I hope she still decides to keep the little one, but, that would be so hard to be a single mom at 18 with unsupportive parents :(

    MAE, don't go! Or, you know, if you can help Franny, then yes, go, but I'm worried for your safety (also, Dante, WTF).

    Every time I see Mae's apartment I'm always so tickled by how cute you set it up :D
    Even when I am very distressed about all the awful things that are happening :/

    1. ehhh yeah, that will be really hard for her :(
      not that the whole affair was a smart decision in the first place.
      But eh, where love blossoms, it blossoms.

      Dante is just not really sure if he can talk in front of Charlie! Franny told him to keep his little problem a secret, ofc. Mae better hurries!

      Aww thanks! It's a pain to make screenshots in it tho, bc everything is so tight.
      And be sure, very good things happen there too!

  2. I'm worried that Etienne's death will drive a wedge between Mae and Charlotte. It's not like it was Mae's fault, but emotions aren't controlled by reason. She wanted to help Mae's boyfriend and lost hers. It's hard not to put blame on Mae and Franny especially.
    It's always a treat to look at the sets you make for your story and the outfits. I LOVE those!

    1. It takes definitely a great personality to not blame them! But Charlie is also still young, and full of emotions :(

      And I finally found a usage for the unicorn sweater! Can't believe I already forgot I had it.

  3. Oh Well I said I loved cliff hangers before I guess I will have to wait for answers. I don't mind they do give me something to think about and look forward to in the next chapter. Oh boy this is getting even messier. Charlotte's might have to raise that baby on her own. One thing for sure is the next chapter is definitely going to be emotional. I'll have the Kleenex ready.

    1. Lol just more cliff hangers! xD
      Charlie's story is so sad... and who knows, now that she's all alone, she might even change her mind...

  4. Mae might be making the wrong decision by going outside but is Charlotte being dumb? Yes. Imagine a marriage working out in this story. IMAGINE. Gurl this is your brand.

  5. Ha! Isn't it a lucky coincidence that the Backstreet boys saved her from that horrible fate?
    Also omg what kind of reputation have I got :'D

  6. Ah... I think I see where this is going. Poor Charlotte! Oh shit. Good guys always die first huh. So much collateral damage. Now Mae is next. AH I have a feeling I'll be cussing in the next few chapters.

    About the age gap. That's 13 years... I had *ahem* a larger *ahem* age gap *ahem* than that. But not that much difference. And not at 18 😅

    1. 😈😈

      oh I totally forgot I mentioned his age :D I actually even forgot his age LOL!
      and yeah... 18 and 32 may be legal, but it's still very questionable (let's not forget they met when she was 16 >_< ) , so ofc Charlie would keep her relationship a secret. Not only bc her parents most likely would disapprove of a charity lawyer courting their daughter 😂

      I have 9 yrs with my hubs, but I also met him much later than 18! so I'm not gonna judge on big age gaps xD

  7. Oh no, poor Charlotte, that is so sad.

    I have a bad feeling about Mae. Oh man, this is so nerve-wracking!
