Linda West
Birthdate: 17th September, 1972
Occupation: Doctorate student at Newcrest university & the Oasis Springs botanical research center
Family: Mae West (sister)
Favourite color: Mintgreen
Favourite food: Sandwiches, because you can eat them while working/ studying.
Calm Linda is more on the introvert side, contrary to her younger sister Mae. Therefore she often rather stays on the side and watches, than joining in.
Romantic relationships she finds much easier than friends, but she has often trouble to really open up and stand up for her own needs.
She always tries to avoid arguments and tends to neglect her own feelings for the sake of others.
Since childhood she loved to stay outside in nature, curiously watching the development of plants and animals. Later she chose a career in botanical chemistry.
She never leaves the house without perfectly arranged hair, and her signature red lipstick.
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Where can i get that hair? :)